Privacy Policy Page


We take your privacy very seriously and so should you. Our privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) aims to provide transparency about what we are doing with your personal information and explain you in a clear, concise and easily comprehensible manner how we are keeping it safe. So do read it carefully and check in regularly for updates as the latest version always applies. 

What does this Privacy Policy cover?

This Privacy Policy applies to all the users (“you” or “your”) of the website (“Website”)  (collectively, “Platforms”) as well as features, products or services offered on the Platforms (“Services”). 

It describes how panjabiwala limited, a company incorporated under Bangladesh laws with its registered. (“we”, “us” or “our”) collects and handles your personal information (including sensitive personal data or information) when you use our Platforms. 

Specifically, this Privacy Policy tells you:

What information we collect about you and how;

How we use that information;

How we protect your information

What information we share with others; and

What choices you have about your information

Please read this Privacy Policy together with the Terms and Conditions’ also available on our Platforms.

Your use of our Platforms signifies your consent to the terms and privacy practices mentioned under this Privacy Policy. So, it is important that you read and understand this Privacy Policy before you start using our Platforms. 

You need to be over the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction as well as competent to enter into a legal contract to use the Platforms. In case you are a minor, then please do not share any personal information with us without having your parent or legal guardian to accept this Privacy Policy.

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